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West Concord Children's Center 

Concord, MA 

The Concord Children’s Center, located in downtown West Concord was expanding their program to include an infant and toddler classroom and needed to renovate their outdoor play area to accommodate this new population of children, on a very limited budget. In the heart of a historic district and exposed to the street along two sides, the design needed to be sensitive to the context yet be cohesive and sensory rich. Working with the teaching staff to maintain age-appropriate features and create opportunities for facilitated learning in the outdoors, the project was designed and built in less than 9 months. Open to the public as part of the town open space during off-school hours, the site was designed to be durable and safe for children of all ages. It includes a low slide, a sand box ringed with locust logs, and a dry stream bed for guided water play and a picnic area.





CLIENT:                    Concord Children’s Center

CONTRACTOR:       Extreme Landscape

COMPLETE:             2014


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